Concerned Bikers Association/ABATE of North Carolina
CBA/ABATE of NC is recognized as the premier Motorcycle Rights Organization (SMRO) of NC. Nationally, CBA/ABATE is recognized by The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). We are also recognized at home as the legislative arm of NC’s Motorcycle Rights community by the North Carolina Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs, and NC Bike-PAC.
This recognition has not been bestowed upon us lightly. Since 1971, CBA/ABATE of NC has served the motorcycling community of North Carolina as champion for the preservation of freedoms, and defender against oppressive legislation. CBA/ABATE has earned a reputation as the “go-to-MRO” in North Carolina through our persistent interactions with our legislature, active involvement with governmental agencies, and the effectiveness of our broad-reaching network of grass-roots-activist members. While we may not be admired by all, we have certainly earned the respect of NC motorcyclists, and those who would seek to limit our freedoms.
The original (1970's) definition of the acronym “ABATE” is: A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments. We define Totalitarian Enactments as laws established without the consent or consideration of the people. The Boston Tea Party was prompted by a totalitarian act perpetrated upon the colonists by King George. The Rally cry against King George, Taxation without representation, still serves as a shining example of the philosophical foundation of our organization. CBA/ABATE of NC continues to pursue that time-honored tradition... “don't make laws about us, without seeking our involvement.” To that end, we remain actively involved in our government.
An important part of being involved is having an established message and organized activities to help share that message with our lawmakers. Individual CBA/ABATE chapters have organized Constituent Teams that conduct lobbying trips to Raleigh. These teams speak with their local elected officials and share our concerns and desires. Much of our success can be attributed to the activities of these teams, and to the efforts of individual members maintaining awareness of the issues and contacting their legislators.
This recognition has not been bestowed upon us lightly. Since 1971, CBA/ABATE of NC has served the motorcycling community of North Carolina as champion for the preservation of freedoms, and defender against oppressive legislation. CBA/ABATE has earned a reputation as the “go-to-MRO” in North Carolina through our persistent interactions with our legislature, active involvement with governmental agencies, and the effectiveness of our broad-reaching network of grass-roots-activist members. While we may not be admired by all, we have certainly earned the respect of NC motorcyclists, and those who would seek to limit our freedoms.
The original (1970's) definition of the acronym “ABATE” is: A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments. We define Totalitarian Enactments as laws established without the consent or consideration of the people. The Boston Tea Party was prompted by a totalitarian act perpetrated upon the colonists by King George. The Rally cry against King George, Taxation without representation, still serves as a shining example of the philosophical foundation of our organization. CBA/ABATE of NC continues to pursue that time-honored tradition... “don't make laws about us, without seeking our involvement.” To that end, we remain actively involved in our government.
An important part of being involved is having an established message and organized activities to help share that message with our lawmakers. Individual CBA/ABATE chapters have organized Constituent Teams that conduct lobbying trips to Raleigh. These teams speak with their local elected officials and share our concerns and desires. Much of our success can be attributed to the activities of these teams, and to the efforts of individual members maintaining awareness of the issues and contacting their legislators.